R.J. Corman Railroad Group Commences Operations on Carolina Rail Line Valued by RLBA

On April 1 of 2016 RJ Corman Railroad Group, a leading short line railroad operator in the U.S., formally began operations of the former Carolina Southern rail line in North and South Carolina. The restoration of operations is the culmination of nearly two years’ worth of effort by local community leaders to save the rail line. As part of the these efforts, RLBA was engaged by a consortium of local North and South Carolina economic development interests to value the  out of service rail line. RLBA inspected the line and produced a net liquidation valuation of the railroad. The RLBA valuation was then used as a starting point for negotiations with the then-owner of the railroad, who lacked the resources to bring the line back to service. These negotiations resulted in RJ Corman Railroad Group successfully acquiring the line and restoring rail service to the area.